Re: Subversive Dynamic Linking on UNIX Platforms

From: Shaun Clowes (shaunat_private)
Date: Thu Nov 08 2001 - 19:10:31 PST

  • Next message: OBrien, Brennan: "RE: Infected jpeg files?"

    Talk about a coincidence....
    I've been working on pretty much the same thing as discussed in this paper,
    however my focus has been on forcing a running process to load a shared 
    object/library. The loaded library can then shield the process from known 
    security vulnerabilities (or indeed subvert the process) without it needing
    to be restarted. I'll be presenting and demonstrating the tool resulting 
    from this research (injectso) along with some other simple Unix process 
    modification techniques (nothing new) at the BlackHat Briefings in Amsterdam
    on the 21st of November.  

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