Re: kernel panic [linux 2.2.19-7] on UDP scan CP4.1-SP5

From: Blue Boar (BlueBoarat_private)
Date: Wed Nov 14 2001 - 11:07:59 PST

  • Next message: Yanek Korff: "RE: kernel panic [linux 2.2.19-7] on UDP scan CP4.1-SP5"

    > Would not the OS itself crash without the FW kernel module loaded whena UDP
    > scan was initiated?  When the machine is running without the FW active, it
    > stays up fine. 
    Sounds like you answered your own question. :)  All the evidence suggests
    that the fault is in the firewall code.  If a KLM dies, it's perfectly
    capable of taking the kernel with it.  At least when I've done it on
    Solaris.. I assume Linux is the same.
    > I've tried the -T Paranoid switch; the system crashes with the VERY FIRST
    > UDP packet, regardless of which port it's sent to.  I subsequently
    > re-enabled icmp, as a "before last" implied rule... And I see this:
    > Initiating UDP Scan against  (
    > 12:43:34.168842 nmap_source.58153 > fw_under_test.973:  udp 0
    > 12:43:34.274503 fw_under_test > nmap_source: icmp: udp port 973
    > unreachable
    > And that's the last packet I get from the machine.
    Meaning it crashes?  Seems strange, you'd think Checkpoint would have
    tried a UDP packet before they shipped...
    Can anyone else confirm the results?
    > If I run nslookup on nmap_source, set my server to fw_under_test, and
    > attempt to resolve something (even though fw_under_test is not running a
    > nameserver), the fw_under_test does not crash.  It merely replies with udp
    > port unreachable and stays up.
    Must be something in particular with the conetns of the packet NMAP sends.

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