Re: Malicious use of

From: Thorsten Droigk (droigkat_private)
Date: Mon Nov 26 2001 - 14:13:48 PST

  • Next message: Blue Boar: "Re: Malicious use of"

    There are a lot of services on the Internet that portscan a machine of your
    choice, so there is nothing new about doing it. If you want to
    complain about, you should complain about every proxy in the whole
    web, too. I do not think that there are big differences between these
    services and proxies - both hide your original IP from another server but
    simultanously log it for the case of abuse.
    I cannot believe that really does not log the use of its portscan
    service - that would be too stupid (and illegal, as far as I know). In my
    eyes, the phrase "Information gained will NOT be retained, viewed, or used
    by us in any way for any purpose whatsoever" refers to the results of the
    portscans and not to the logs of's httpd.
    Best regards,
    Thorsten Droigk

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