Red Hat 7.1 rpc.statd problem

From: Blue Boar (BlueBoarat_private)
Date: Wed Dec 05 2001 - 10:31:46 PST

  • Next message: maillist: "Re: Proxy bypass in Opera : security related ?"

    I have a question.  It may sound a bit more appropriate for Incidents,
    but keep reading.
    So, I'm running a Red Hat 7.1 box.  I intentionally have many services 
    running, but I applied all the patches from Red Hat during install, and
    I apply any new patches within a few hours of them coming out.  I have
    this a few times in my messages file:
    rpc.statd[496]: gethostbyname error for
    This is fairly common from what I can see.  Lots of people report this,
    and it appears that this is what you get after the patches have been 
    applied, and the attack fails.  This is the result of a standard exploit,
    and I believe also a worm based on that same exploit.  There doesn't
    appear to be any evidence of a successful intrusion on my box.
    So my question is: If this is a patched version, why the heck is it
    trying to look up that name?  I'm pretty sure that there
    isn't someone out there who has that as a reverse name for PTR
    Can anyone help clear up my confusion?  Is this just a really bad
    patch, or is there still room for exploit, or is this the way
    it's supposed to work?

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