Re: exploiting wu-ftpd

From: zen-parse (zen-parseat_private)
Date: Wed Dec 12 2001 - 03:51:53 PST

  • Next message: Alex Butcher (vuln-dev): "Re: iptables 'syn but not new' packets"

    The patches have been available over a week now. I think that is long 
    On the 1st of December Przemyslaw Frasunek (venglinat_private) 
    wrote something about getting a wu-ftpd exploit working. The problem he 
    was having was to do with the following macro:
    #define arena_for_ptr(ptr) \
     (((mchunkptr)(ptr) < top(&main_arena) && (char *)(ptr) >= sbrk_base) ? \
      &main_arena : heap_for_ptr(ptr)->ar_ptr)
    He worked around it by making a hacked up version of the malloc function. 
    My solution: put the chunk on the heap between sbrk_base and the top value 
    of the main_arena.
    How? Get the chunk malloc()ed and stored there, then brute force it. (The 
    exact position varies depending on a whole lot of things, and brute 
    forcing is nice for system admins. They have pretty good evidence that 
    there has been an attack. ;])
    -- zen-parse
    P.S. Apparently there are earlier versions of this exploit floating
    around. Many of them are even buggier than this one, and all some of them
    will do is add a few hundred K to the log files.
    P.P.S Sorry, but it was too much temptation to resist posting it as 
    wu261.c. The program is a wrapper for the archive. 
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