A problem domain hosted by you

From: scott (scottat_private)
Date: Thu Dec 27 2001 - 17:57:12 PST

  • Next message: scott: "Update on grokster trojan domain name"

    Hash: SHA1
    I just found a trojan backdoor virus on my system,
    and when i hexdumped the file, i found the domain name
    http://2001-007.com/ referenced in it (about 3/4 the
    way down the file)... it looks as if the trojan virus
    is submitting information to this domain name (but
    i cannot say 100% certainty yet, since i have not
    setup a honeypot machine, infected it, and tcpdumped
    the network traffic)
    I have sent emails to vuln-devat_private previously
    (and Cc'd this email) and posted up all relevant information
    on my website http://furt.com/grokster/ (I have attached the
    relevant binaries also), along with the two infected binaries
    (where you can verify for yourself that 2001-007.com
    is in fact the domain referenced).
    I ask for your help and cooperation in verifying whether
    or not this domain name is collecting user information
    submitted by the backdoor trojan that infected me, or
    in fact, finding any information about the website
    or its owner (as the phone number given in the Whois
    information is not correct, a person claiming to NOT
    be John Casey answered the telephone and said that
    he had never heard of John Casey)
    I thank you for your time.
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