Re: malformed sql queries

From: Patrik Birgersson (pbirgerssonat_private)
Date: Mon Dec 31 2001 - 15:55:17 PST

  • Next message: rottenat_private: "Re: Segmentation fault in BitchX"

    On Sat, 29 Dec 2001 20:59:51 -0300
    "Gabriel A. Maggiotti" <gmaggiotat_private> shouted:
    > A common query:
    >(1) SELECT * from table WHERE id=$id
    >where $id is a variable that the web progammer use to perform
    the query. 
    >This implies that the variable is potentially revalueable (if
    is not checked
    >before using it).
    I may be out of line here, and I've read the replies about
    filtering input.
    However, using Perl CGI + DBD/DBI, Apache and MySQL I writes my
    DB queries like this:
    $sth = $dbh->prepare ("SELECT * FROM table WHERE param = ?");
    $sth->execute ($param)
    This (as I understand) prevents SQL injection into the query
    since I don't have the variables directly in the query, but
    supply them upon query execution.
    If I'm all wrong here, please let the flames begin....
    Patrik Birgersson
    "No man is good enough to govern another man without that
    other's consent."
     - Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)

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