Odd MSIE html parsing

From: Matthew S. Hallacy (poptixat_private)
Date: Wed Jan 02 2002 - 05:36:29 PST

  • Next message: Kayne Ian (Softlab): "RE: Grokster and your email"

    I recieved an odd spam today, the links were obfuscated as follows:
    <A HREF="http://www.ca1.waredet.net.co.fr^T^B^T^E^T|https.travel.bzah.com^B">
    clicking on the link in MSIE shows the following in the address bar:
    while it's really going to https.travel.bzah.com (a stupid angelfire spam site,
    die die die)
    Comments? I'm curious as to why MSIE allows control characters in the url
    like this, it didn't work in Mozilla.
    				- Matthew S. Hallacy

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