Cross-Site Scripting in PlumTree?

From: Ed Moyle (emoyleat_private)
Date: Fri Jan 04 2002 - 11:33:04 PST

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    Anybody know about cross-scripting in PlumTree?  I happened to notice this while I was at the plumtree-hosted demonstration site (  It appears as if plumtree portal ships by default some error page (error.asp) that parrots back the message that appears as part of the request URI.  This error page seems to recieve an argument that is a textual description of the error that is shown to the user on the resulting page...
    In the below example, <plumtreeserver> should point to the plumtree server (obviously), and <portalname> should be the directory for the portal.  For example, you might have a plumtree server called "portal.domain.dom" and the first directory was called "portal"...  
    (seems to work w/ IE, but is not tested on Netscape.)
    Does anybody know if PlumTree has a procedure to fix this posted somewhere?

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