coredump in tracepath (UPDATED)

From: jon schatz (jonat_private)
Date: Wed Jan 09 2002 - 12:36:33 PST

  • Next message: jon schatz: "coredump in tracepath"

    (moderator, please post this instead of the previous message). 
    I found a coredump in tracepath, which is part of the iputils package.
    I've tested this on RH 7.1 and 7.2, which both use the same version
    (from the iputils-20001110-1 rpm).
    [jon@devotchka jon]$ tracepath -n
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)
    [jon@devotchka jon]$ which tracepath
    [jon@devotchka jon]$ ls -la /usr/sbin/tracepath
    -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         7036 Jan 16  2001
    Tracepath isn't setuid root in any distro i could find, so i figured
    that there's no harm in releasing this. But according to the manpage:
            "GENERAL NOTE: all these applets, except for tracepath[6] should
    be excecutabel only with  CAP_NET_RAWIO  capability.   To  all     that
    I know, they are safe to be used as setuid root."
    If you have this installed (and I don't know of a distro that doesn't),
    make sure the setuid bit is turned off. 
    I emailed the author, and he replied that this had been fixed in the
    current tree:
    "This has been fixed in later version. To all that I remember, it is:
    (from RELNOTES) [011002]
    * Stepan Koltsov <yozhat_private>, tracepath/tracepth6 segfaulted when used
    without address."
    jonat_private ||
    gpg key:
    think i have a virus?:
    "You are in a twisty little maze of Sendmail rules, all confusing." 

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