Re: mIRC Buffer Overflow

From: Joseph Pingenot (jap3003at_private)
Date: Sun Feb 03 2002 - 18:06:48 PST

  • Next message: Leandro Malaquias: "Correction - Oracle Apache+WebDB info leakege"

    From Krish Ahya on Sunday, 03 February, 2002:
    >I understand this, but thats all the more reason to not release an exploit.
    >An advisory only would have better suited the situation, especially when the
    >vendor won't fix the problem.
    Maybe.  If Vendor doesn't release Patch, IMHO, publicizing the hole
      and then, maybe a while later, releasing the exploit is the proper
      way to go.  Be vocal about it and the reasons for posting it like that,
      and people will migrate to a different (hey, Free Software guarantees
      at least *someone* can make a patch, even if Vendor is too lazy)
      software, since they now know that Vendor does not care about security.
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      just need to click the little 'X" in the top right corner of the window."
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