Re: Reported Kazaa and Morpheus vulnerabilities

From: Sebastian Ip (9sckiat_private)
Date: Sun Feb 03 2002 - 21:59:17 PST

  • Next message: Kartik Shinde: "Re: Reported Kazaa and Morpheus vulnerabilities"

    On Monday 04 February 2002 12:31 am, HarryM wrote:
    > RE the article on the BBCs website at
    > I just searched the archives at Securityfocus and CERT and neither produced
    > any relavent results
    > I mean, pointing a browser to http://ip_address:1214/ does give a list of
    > files... it gives the list of files that you're sharing. So what?
    > Anyone know anything about this?
    > Harry M
    It's a piece of FUD from unqualified journalist picking up whatever is told 
    to them somewhere on the internet.
    Basically the problem is if you are stupid enough to share your whole drive 
    and say you run morpheus on a production windows server as administrator or 
    with admin rights then someone can grab anything they want from your machine. 
    Otherwise it's just stupid. Maybe someone's passport cookie will be stolen 
    and their credit card used to buy porn online. But nothing more.
    Sebastian Ip

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