draytek-Router: undocumented open configuration ports

From: Kai Kretschmann (K.Kretschmann@security-gui.de)
Date: Thu Feb 28 2002 - 23:30:03 PST

  • Next message: Fabio Moraes: "RES: Strange behaviour in Win2k"

    We have received a possible security problem with draytek/vigor DSL 
    routers of the 2000 and 2200 series.
    The draytek 2000 series has an undocumented open port at 56415/tcp. 
    The vendor declared this port for use with "smart start wizard", a 
    feature one would expect only within the local network, not at the 
    internet side.
    The draytek 2200 series with newer firmware got a new feature VPN 
    which opened another port 1723/tcp even when no VPN is configured at 
    all. In our view it should be filtered to allow only the configured 
    VPN partners.
    The vendor and manufacturer got informed by a draytek user in august 
    2001 and confirmed the problem. They didn't solve till now! But they 
    replied in a rather uncooperative way:
    "An open port itself is no security risk - your own document states 
    this. The attacker must know about a known problem behind the open 
    port as per the text above. If you are correct in your assessment a 
    simple search with Google should  turn up dozens of hacker sites.
    I could not find a single reference - neither on Google nor on 
    typical hacker sites. So, while I do appreciate the effort you are 
    putting into this research I  would also appreciate you using more 
    appropriate terms in context with your findings."
    One possible workaround is to define one or two additional rules 
    within the  draytek firewall settings.
    This didn't work well in at least one case and it is for shure the 
    wrong way to close unwanted services/ports. The better way will be to 
    document it by the manufactor and close the smart start wizard port 
    from the outside network.
    Think Safety
    Kai Kretschmann k.kretschmann@security-gui.de

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