Paper #5: Fingerprinting Port 80 Attacks: A look into web server, and web application attack signatures: Part Two.

From: zeno (zenoat_private)
Date: Tue Mar 05 2002 - 15:14:59 PST

  • Next message: Russell Handorf: "Re: My Saturday with Netstumbler..."

    After writing this paper in my spare time for months I have finally
    finished the follow-up to "Fingerprinting Port80 Attacks".
    Part 2 covers characters missed in the first along with additional
    information that proves useful when dealing with port80 related attacks.
    This paper is meant for newbies/intermediate people, and may be review
    for some people.
    Because of the filesize I have decided to include a link to this paper.
    I have created both text and html formats for easier reading.
    Comments, Suggestions, Flames welcome.
    - zenoat_private
    PS: Many people translated my first paper into various languages. If you can translate
    this into a language other then english , email me please.

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