Re: Self propogating virii and spam correlation

From: Felipe Franciosi (franciozzyat_private)
Date: Thu Mar 07 2002 - 07:29:20 PST

  • Next message: Kerozene: "Problems in Apache 1.3.22"

    >     Thats a possibility, but since most worms / virii are disected very
    > quickly, with detailed descriptions of their inner workings outlined for
    > anybody who cares to look a wary spammer would be hesitant to device a
    > mechanism for shipping their bounty of addresses back to themselves for fear
    > of discovery.
    What do you mean by VERY QUICKLY? I guess we just missed the point
    What Keith guessed is that a virii/worm  like this would produce a
    huge list of valid email addresses within a few minutes (obviously
    less than an hour).
    So, the coder can easily hack some machine (ANY MACHINE),  like  a
    linux box on a cable modem,  for example, set up a server (perhaps
    even a MySQL server) and tell his worm to  dump the addresses over
    He can stay online for  the next hour grabing the data or fetch it
    all some time later.
    My guesses is that the sysadm of the  hacked  box  would take more
    time to find out  his  system  have  been compromised, and then it
    would be too late.
    It looks so easy that I will go deeper:  if the coder doesn't want
    to increase the traffic on the hacked box, he can code his worm to
    send only a package saying "hi, I'm inffected". Then the coder can
    grab the IP address, connect to the virii  (actually it would look
    more like a backdoor) and say: "send me my money".
     Felipe Franciosi        paradoxo networking
     felipeat_private                  Brazil   Porto Alegre - RS
     Fone: (55)(51) 9806 7387     UIN - 33596050

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