Re: compress(vul) + ftpd(?)

From: H D Moore (sflistat_private)
Date: Thu Mar 07 2002 - 06:18:28 PST

  • Next message: Christian Gresser: "off by one exploits?"

    YES.  wu-ftpd will call compress with the file name as an argument if you 
    request the file name ending in .Z. You have to be able to write out a file 
    name containing the shell code to exploit the bug. I mentioned the compress 
    bug back in 1998 and again in 2000, it finally got fixed on some of the newer 
    SuSE releases (not sure about Red Hat, I dont use it).
    Another fun one is tar, the --use-compress-program option might be 
    exploitable under wu-ftpd as well, although I cant think of a way to do it 
    On Tuesday 05 March 2002 07:43 am, HypH wrote:
    > [hyph@port ~]$ rpm -qf `which compress`
    > ncompress-4.2.4-21
    > [hyph@port ~]$ compress `perl -e 'print "A" x 1100'`
    > Segmentation fault  (core dumped)
    > [hyph@port ~]$gdb compress core
    > eip            0x41414141       0x41414141 <--- :-))
    > Compress isn`t suid so it gives us no benefit. And here`s my question:
    > Is there any way to force the ftpd to 'compress' a file before sending it,
    > from the client`s side. I`m asking for this particular daemon because of
    > this:
    > -rwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          16k gru 12  2000 compress <-- :-))
    > The benefits would be obvious.
    > Sorry if it`s a known bug/vulnerability (but I`ve never heared `bout it
    > before)

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