Re: compress(vul) + ftpd(?)

From: Pavel Kankovsky (peakat_private)
Date: Sat Mar 09 2002 - 15:48:23 PST

  • Next message: Felix Domke: "Re: strange win2k behavior"

    On Thu, 7 Mar 2002, H D Moore wrote:
    > On Thursday 07 March 2002 09:30 am, HypH wrote:
    > > On Thu  7. March 2002 15:18, H D Moore wrote:
    > > > YES.  wu-ftpd will call compress with the file name as an argument if you
    > > > request the file name ending in .Z. You have to be able to write out a
    > > > file name containing the shell code to exploit the bug.
    > >
    > > The problem is that the file have to be 1100 chars long , with the
    > > shellcode within. But wu-ftpd doesn`t allow/handle so long filenames.
    > Hmm.. What about splitting the shellcode into different directories and the 
    > requesting the full path to the file (directories and all) ending in .Z?
    The total length of command is limited. I think one could fool it using a
    race between wildcard expansion and the code deciding whether compress
    should be run: you create shellcode.Z, send "get shell*.Z", and rename
    shellcode.Z to shellcode at the right moment.
    BTW: This is an ANCIENT problem.
    --Pavel Kankovsky aka Peak  [ Boycott Microsoft-- ]
    "Resistance is futile. Open your source code and prepare for assimilation."

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