Announce: Spaning Tree Algorithm and Protocols Familiy weakness & holes.

From: Olli Artemjev (olliat_private)
Date: Mon Mar 11 2002 - 22:23:12 PST

  • Next message: Laurence Brockman: "Re: DOCSIS vulnerability"

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             Spaning Tree Algorithm and Protocols Familiy weakness & holes.
                                    by Oleg Artemjev                                 
                               and Vladislav Myasnyankin                             
    The last text & matherials of the project & this announcement may be
    found at Currently only a magazine
    article & draft "contents" of entire project are avaliable.
    Below is a slightly changed & reformatted text dump of an announcement.
    - --------------------------------------DUMP------------------------------------
             Spaning Tree Algorithm and Protocols Familiy weakness & holes           
                                    by Oleg Artemjev                                 
                               and Vladislav Myasnyankin                             
    The Spaning Tree Algorithm and thus - all Spaning Tree Protocols
    supported by lage variety of hardware vendors [lots of them provide
    Spaning Tree Support on    their switches (commutators) & routers]
    contain many serious security vulnerabilities.Brief description of these
    vulnerabilities was published in Russian magazine "LAN" (LAN, #1 2002,
    more info about the magazine could be obtained from
    According publication conditions we can publish full matherials of our
    project two months later after magazine issue. Since the paper is made
    in Russian it will first arrive in Russian & only  then, later, we'll
    translate it into English (do you want to help us,huh?). This 
    announcement may be incompleet, if some differences are conflicting -
    the Russian version is a right source. Also note - after we'll translate
    the text to English it'll 1st arrive in a paper magazine. The reason is
    simple - we prefer to take some feedback from our research work. If
    you're a pubblisher (non US only! [ see LICENSE ]) - fill free to
    contact us (then remove "NOSPAM" before  sending - it's simple antispam
    protection) - we're looking for an English-speaking paper magazine to
    publish this information before it'll be  avaliable for the Internet. We
    already notified some vendors (Cisco, Avaya) about these
    vulnerabilities, but an answer was alike: "Unless this gives money we
    won't make investments". Well, since we're interested in high level of
    security in switches & routes we use, we have to publish our
    investigations. Because thus we 'll make some pressure on hardware
    vendors to implement real security in their devices.
    As a complain against trends to inhibit publications of security
    vulnerabilitties in software (these tendencies are widely known to the
    public as  a DCMA law in U$ & judicial prosecution agains Sklyarov &
    Elkomsoft,also there),  the announced materials will be published under
    following licence:
    - ------------------license text---------------------                              
    License agreement. 
    This paper is an intellectual property of it's authors: Oleg   Artemjev
    and Vladislav Myasnyankin (hereinafter - writers). This paper may be
    freely used for the links, but its content or its part cannot be
    translated into  foreign languages or included into any paper, book,
    magazine, and other electronic or paper issues without prior WRITTEN
    permissions of both writers. Moreover, in case of using materials of
    this research or refer to it, according given license you must provide
    complete information: full title, authorship and this license. You can
    freely distribute this paper electronically, if, and only if, all of the
    following conditions are met:
    1) This license agreement and article are not modified, including its
    PGP digital signature. Any reformatting of the text is prohibited.
    2) The distribution does not contradict the given license.                       
    Distribution of this paper in the countries with the legislation
    containing limitations similar to American DCMA contradicts the given
    license. Moreover, reading this paper by citizens of such a country
    violates this license  agreement and law both. Nevertheless,
    distribution of any links to this document is not a violation of the
    given license.
    This paper is provided by the authors "as is" and any express or implied
    warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
    merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In 
    no event shall the writers be liable for any direct, indirect,
    incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but
    not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of
    use, data, or profits; or business interruption).
    Writers claim this article for educational purposes only.
    You should not read this paper, if you disagree not to use it any other way.
    The given license agreement is subject to change without warning in the consent
    of both writers.                                                                 
    - ------------------license text---------------------                              
      At this moment "LAN" magazine has published electronical version of
      our article. Links are avaliable from Russian version of this
    - --------------------------------------DUMP------------------------------------
    Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
    Comment: mailto: <olliat_private>
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    MISiS Telecommunications ; CTO, Metaltelecom. 	phone:	+7(095)955-0087
    PGP fingerprints:
    (expire _soon_,2.6.3i,1024)	= F2 24 BE B9 FB 38 04 B0  ED 9C CC 42 21 DC 12 2C
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