Re: DOCSIS vulnerability

From: Matthew S. Hallacy (poptixat_private)
Date: Tue Mar 12 2002 - 05:54:31 PST

  • Next message: Magnus Bodin: "Rather large MSIE-hole"

    On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 06:16:43AM -0500, Chris Chandler wrote:
    > This is not entirely true. I have only seen a few instances of it
    > actually working with Some Cybersurfer modems, mainly the SB 3100 and SB
    > 4100. It does NOT always work, I know I have tried it, the whole spiel
    > of creating the specific binary and key files for it then doing the
    > reset and what have you.  While I have seen this work on a few, I have a
    > DOCSIS modem and it doesn't work.
    Interesting, it works fine on AT&T's network, as well as Charter communications
    with the scripts I wrote it worked every time with no problem.
    > Chris Chandler
    > MCSE 2000, A+, Network +, MCP-I

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