RE: JavaSecurity

From: Scott, Richard (Richard.Scottat_private)
Date: Wed Mar 13 2002 - 06:42:53 PST

  • Next message: Cushing, David: "RE: JavaSecurity"

    I actually packaged the classes in java.lang:
    Jar cvf0 new_rt.jar <dir1> <dir2> <dir3> <dir4> .......
    The reason why I am posting here is that I am working on an exploit.  I was
    hoping to see if anyone else has worked on replacing core classes in a
    package..... with a rogue one.
    Richard Scott
    Best Buy World Headquarters
    7075 Flying Cloud Drive
    Eden Prairie, MN 55344 USA
    The views expressed in this email do not represent Best Buy
    or any of its subsidiaries
     -----Original Message-----
    From: 	Cushing, David [mailto:David.Cushingat_private] 
    Sent:	Wednesday, March 13, 2002 8:39 AM
    To:	r s; vuln-devat_private
    Subject:	RE: JavaSecurity
    This might be better suited to a java newsgroup, but...
    Your prompt is c:\, your CLASSPATH is ../../...  That seems incorrect.  
    Did you put a package statement in your rogue class (i,e, package
    Did you re-package rt.jar or try to use it in "un-jarred" form?
    Where are rt.jar or the unjarred files?
    This exception always means the object could not be found.  Check your
    classpath, check your jar files, file permissions, etc.
    If you're not familiar with how classpath finds classes, check out:
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: r s [mailto:richard.scottat_private]
    > Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 2:15 PM
    > To: vuln-devat_private
    > Subject: JavaSecurity
    > I am trying to replace a class in Java's runtime rt.jar 
    > file.
    > I compiled the rogue class, placed it in the extracted 
    > jar file with zero compression.
    > now when I compile code aginst it I get:
    > C:\>javac -classpath ../../..
    > Error occurred during initialization of VM
    > java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object
    > This "exploit" was tailored around what Scott Oaks 
    > mentioned in his book JavaSecurity.
    > however, I seem not to be able to exploit it.
    > Any tips?

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