Re: Disabling the MSIE hole.

From: Bob at firstcodings (bobat_private)
Date: Wed Mar 13 2002 - 01:53:53 PST

  • Next message: Magnus Bodin: "Re: Disabling the MSIE hole."

    Thanks for this !
    To enlarge the patch to all users, you can regedit as follow :
    net Settings]
    Simply cut'n paste (lines may wrap) this in a ".reg" file and execute. First
    line denies "per user" settings (see;EN-US;q182569 for complete
    Thanks again.
    Bob - firstcodings.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Suresh P" <suryaat_private>
    To: "Magnus Bodin" <magnusat_private>; <vuln-devat_private>;
    <bugtraqat_private>; <focus-msat_private>
    Cc: <ms-secnewsat_private>; <SECURITY-BASICSat_private>
    Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 6:52 AM
    Subject: Disabling the MSIE hole.
    > Hi All,
    >     You can disable the Latest MSIE hole on all windows machines
    > by enabling the security settings for the LocalZone.
    > unfortunately, there is no UI for doing this. All you have to
    > do is, launch regedit, traverse to the following key and
    > change the value to 3.
    > \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\0
    > and change the value of "1004" from "0" to "3".
    > This is applicable for Windows 95/98/NT/2000
    > regards,
    > Suresh Ponnusami,
    > Internet Security Consultant,
    > nSecure Software (P) Ltd,
    > Ph: 91 80 535 1545
    > Fax: 91 80 535 1551
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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