Re: Rather large MSIE-hole

From: Raul Dias (chaosat_private)
Date: Wed Mar 13 2002 - 20:19:46 PST

  • Next message: Kim, Hyung Jong: "I want to know about simulation aided security"

    Jim Harrison (SPG) <jmharrat_private> wrote:
    >While it's certainly true that you can hard-code any path you want to
    >any normally-benign executable on the system, any hacker worth their
    >salt would know how to get and use Windows system variables to make the
    >system cooperate in its own self-destruction.
    >For instance, "%SystemRoot%" would eliminate the need for "C:\windows"
    >* Jim Harrison 
    >MCP(NT4, 2K), A+, Network+
    This is a newbie question, 
    but where can I find a list os system variables and its compatibility
    thru versions of windows?
    Raul Dias

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