SSH 3.1.0 Potential Exploit + FIX

From: SoulBlazer (
Date: Fri Mar 15 2002 - 09:36:37 PST

  • Next message: Gabriel A. Maggiotti: "about gawk"

    With all the hype about openssh being hackable, and zlib-1.1.3 being a 
    potential hole, I believe that perhaps the following has been overlooked.
    (/usr/src/build/ssh-3.1.0/lib/zlib)# : more ChangeLog
                    ChangeLog file for zlib
    Changes in 1.1.3 (9 July 1998)
    - fix "an inflate input buffer bu
    Heh anyhow I patched ssh 3.1.0 against the newer zlib (1.1.4) and made the 
    appropriate adjustments, patch attached.
    Shoutouts to galt, FEENiX, wirepair, cylons, lpn, aeonflux, terrorbyt, 
    index1, korolev, killahack,cowofdoom,oatmeal.. and any who I missed here.. 
    you know who you are. =)
    Tread lightly, for you address not the storm.. but the force that binds it..

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