All systems with Internet Explorer IE 6.x /OPERA getting Files into your disk even if download is DISABLED Can be used also by BAD webs to fill your DISK

From: Adonis.No.Spam (adonis1at_private)
Date: Sat Mar 16 2002 - 04:50:55 PST

  • Next message: Ralf Dreibrodt: "Re: Wireless Legality- Netstumbler and kin"

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                              /    NtWaK0 Bugs  \
    Affected    : All systems with Internet Explorer IE 6.x /OPERA          :
    Type        : getting Files into your disk even if download is          :
    Type        : DISABLED. Can be used also by BAD webs to fill your DISK  :
    Date        : 15-03-2002                                                :
    Author      : NtWaK0 @                                 :
     Device Identification \
    +-----------.                                                           :
     Disclaimer  \                                                          :
    The information in this advisory is believed to be true based on        :
    experiments though it may be false. The opinions expressed in this      :
    advisory and program are my own and NOT of any company.                 :
    In Fact I do not work for no one at the present time.                   :
    This material is presented for informational and entertainment purposes :
    only, and to satisfy the curious. Any activities described in this file :
    which involve vandalism, theft, or any other illegal activities are     :
    recounted from third-party conversations. I do not condone or encourage :
    vandalism or theft. I do not accept any liability for anything anyone   :
    does with this information.                                             :
    Remember: Use a computer in ways that ensure respect for your fellows.  :
    +-------------.                                                         :
     Brief History \                                                        :
    This is not BIG issue but still something that need to be addressed.    :
    Internet Explorer 6.x allow you to save a file even if your security    :
    Setting is HIGH (download file is disabled). Read below for more details:
    Opera will auto-download files with .cab extension as soon as you open  :
    the html page.                                                          :
    Internet explorer and Opera are affected by this. Mozilla act PRETTY OK :
    +---------------------------+                                           :
     >>> Test OS Applications <<<                                           :
    +---------------------------+                                           :
    Tested on Windows 2k and XP                                             :
    Tested on IE 6.x and opera                                              :
    +-----------.                                                           :
     The Problem \                                                          :
    If you are using IE 6.x (latest) you can still get files into your hard :
    disk EVEN if IE security is HIGH which make download DISABLED.          :
    IE 6.x by default will save all .gif .cab .jpg etc,,, when you click    :
    FROM THE MENU "SAVE AS".                                                :
    This will save whatever .gif or .cab linked to the page.                :
    That can may FILL IN your hard disk if someone played some tricks with  :
    the HTML page that you are saving.                                      :
    To see the effect do this:                                              :
    1- Make sure to set your Internet Explorer Security To HIGH             :
       (this will disable download files) this mean your should not accept  :
       file into your hard disk.                                            :
    2- From IE menu click "File" then "Save As".                            :
    This will save this page to your disk and it will save whatever files I :
    linked to this page. In this test page I linked 2 files in src tag.     :
    You can see that if you check the source of this page.                  :
    >>> TEST PAGE  <<<        :
    This page will save 2 files on your disk about 2.5 meg so be careful    :
    if you are on slow link.                                                :
    Imaging someone put 20 hidden image in an HTML page that point to       :
    src="" X 20 and every file let us say 100 Meg.                  :
    When you save you wont save ONLY 100 MegX20 NO you will save 100 X 40   :
    this because IE will have to get the file into a tmp folder first then  :
    copy it to your disk.                                                   :
    Ah this can be used in another way too. How about you put one or two    :
    src="" src="test1.gif"  on all your web pages and the src is    :
    linked to a 500 MEG file, in this case NO ONE CAN SAVE YOUR PAGES unless:
    they like to get the 500 meg file too. Sure this can be avoided if you  :
    know how to save HTML using other method.                               :
    Opera will auto save the .cab file as soon as you open the HTML page.   :
    Another problem with opera is even if you have a small cache size the   :
    file will still get saved and renamed.                                  :
    To see that set your  opera cache size to one meg and re-open this page :
    you will notice that opera did in fact save the file and renamed it.    :
    +------------.                                                          :
     The Solution \                                                         :
    Before you save a page make sure you check the source. Yes it is not the:
    best way but at least you know what you are expecting.                  :
    The only secure computer is one that's unplugged, locked in a safe, 
    and buried 20 feet under the ground in a secret location... and i'm 
    not even too sure about that one"--Dennis Huges, FBI.
    Connect yourself to the main computer and let me take you to a 
    cybernetic ride. Are you connected to the right cybernet? If you are, 
    finally you are connected to my brain.
    -=- Use a computer in a ways that ensure respect for your fellow     -=-

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Sun Mar 17 2002 - 00:07:35 PST