Vulnerability in winzip password protection ?

From: Kerozene (kerozeneat_private)
Date: Thu Mar 14 2002 - 16:24:05 PST

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    Vulnerability in all winzip versions?:
    Author: Pablo Sabbatella
    Date: 14-03-2002
       I dont know if this a security bug, vulnerability
    or whatever, but I found it was pretty dangerous. Lets
    suppouse we want to secure the file secret.txt, so we
    zip it with winzip and choose to protect it with a
    password we only know. We save it and then one day we
    decide to access it, so we open it, we enter the password,
    it opens secret.txt, we close Winzip and we visualize the
    file that we had protected before. After watching it, we
    close it and get to another thing. Well, this proccess seems
    quite common, but if you open a passworded file and you close
    Winzip before closing the file, that file will be stored with
    NO PASSWORD PROTECTION in C:\Windows\Temp or your predeterminated
    Temp directory.
         This only affects users who sahre the computer with others,
    and paranoic :).
    Possible fixes: - Donīt close winzip till you finish with the secured
                    - Empty Temp Directory after each session in Winzip
                      with passworded files
                    - Microsoft, could make a patch for those files to be
                      automaticaly deleted or not stored in Temp
    Greetz to you all guys
    Pablo Sabbatella
    ICQ: 126270302

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