RE: CSS implication

From: Matt Priestley (mpriestat_private)
Date: Sat Mar 16 2002 - 13:47:59 PST

  • Next message: Bill Weiss: "Re: CSS implication"

    Here are some of the things my security team has observed with relation to cross-site scripting:
    * as you said, persistent cookie theft
    * "session theft" where you act in the context of a privileged user
    * as you said, running script or objects
    * SQL injection attacking the back end logic
    * likewise, XML injection
    * changing page banners or other decorations in deceptive ways
    * DoS attacks on the underlying system error logs
    * causing a trusted page to display a link to an untrusted page
    -----Original Message-----
    From: zero [mailto:zeroboyat_private]
    Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2002 5:39 AM
    To: vuln-devat_private
    Subject: CSS implication
    Hi all,
             I'm working on a CSS paper, and I was wondering, what are the real 
    implications of a CSS attack. When some site is vuln to a CSS problem, 
    you're able to execute code on the web. I've thought about the implications 
    of this. First of all:
             - You can steal cookies from users
             - You can send bogus links faking the original site: i.e 
    http://site/vuln.php?query=>...(faking vuln.php)...</script>
             - You can download & launch activeX (possible to download and 
    execute trojans?)
    Any more dangerous implications?
    "The further backward you look, the further forward you can see" Winston 
      "Para ganar, hay gente que debe perder"

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