Re: CSS implication

From: Jeremiah Grossman (jeremiahat_private)
Date: Sun Mar 17 2002 - 21:59:24 PST

  • Next message: nullbyte: "phpBB2 remote execution command"

    zero wrote:
    > At 10:14 a.m. 16/03/2002 -0800, you wrote:
    > >The implications are very simple. With XSS, one can control a target users
    > >browser to make it do whatever they want it to do.
    > Although that's true, many times, you just can execute code through special
    > crafted urls. So, users aren't directly affected. I mean, the code you
    > inject doesn't gets executed as in normal forum CSS. You can use this kind
    > of links in social engineering attacks or there are more implications?
    Having a bit of trouble understanding what you mean....
    but...I think your right, some XSS attacks dont have to "directly " effect
    the user, but they manipulate them in some way. However, I still think this
    type of attack would be grouped as an implication of XSS.
    Jeremiah Grossman
    WhiteHat Security, Inc.

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