RE: Firewall and IDS, (the second way).

From: Bojan Zdrnja (Bojan.Zdrnjaat_private)
Date: Wed Mar 20 2002 - 05:35:57 PST

  • Next message: Jirka Kosina: "Re: Buffer overflow in awk"

    We probably mis-understood each other :)
    NIDS just sniffs on some network place. If you happen to flood some other
    host, and NIDS can see that flood it can dynamically reconfigure router to
    change it's ACLs and to cut you off. If everything is on the other side of
    the network, meaning that you are somewhere in the Internet there is no way
    that you'll see any packet that came from NIDS as it only:
    1) sniffs the network
    2) sends command to it's router
    Just my 2 cents ...
    Best regards,
    Bojan Zdrnja
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Pedro Quintanilha [mailto:PQuintanilhaat_private]
    > Sent: 20. ozujak 2002 13:06
    > To: Bojan.Zdrnjaat_private; vuln-devat_private
    > Subject: RE: Firewall and IDS, (the second way).
    > Yeap. But if the Firewall (or another block device) was 
    > dinamically configured to block your packets, then it´s so 
    > possible that you touch a nIDS and it causes the reconfiguration.
    > Pedro Quintanilha
    > Segurança da Informação
    > Editora Abril s/a
    > pquintanilhaat_private
    > +55-11-3037-4297
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Bojan Zdrnja [mailto:Bojan.Zdrnjaat_private]
    > Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 8:32 AM
    > To: Pedro Quintanilha; vuln-devat_private
    > Subject: RE: Firewall and IDS, (the second way).
    > > -----Original Message-----
    > > From: Pedro Quintanilha [mailto:PQuintanilhaat_private]
    > > Sent: 18. ozujak 2002 21:41
    > > To: vuln-devat_private
    > > Subject: RE: Firewall and IDS, (the second way).
    > > 
    > > 
    > > 
    > > - IP Ban (drops, ICMP unreachables)
    > > 
    > > 	Another good method to detect the presence of a nIDS. 
    > > Some administrators configure nIDSs to act on Firewalls (f.e. 
    > > OPSEC) to block any traffic from a IP that is source of a 
    > > flood of many kinds of packets, like ICMP flood, port-scans, 
    > > etc. So, if you want to detect it, you just need to generate 
    > > a flood, and capture the return packets. If you suddenly 
    > > start to receive ICMP port/host/net unreachabes, or stop to 
    > > receive target host´s responses (ACKs, ICMP Echo-Replies, 
    > > etc), then you probably hit a nIDS.
    > Correct me if I'm wrong, but IDS will act upon firewall which 
    > will at the end change it's ACL. So it's firewall who will 
    > cut your ability to connect to other host and I don't think 
    > you are able to receive any packet from NIDS - only one who 
    > should receive something is firewall.

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