Re: CSS implication

From: Sverre H. Huseby (shhat_private)
Date: Thu Mar 21 2002 - 06:19:26 PST

  • Next message: Mathieu Lafon: "Testing zlib vulnerability"

    |   you can change the html of a page.  dangerous for example if the
    |   user is supposed to input their username and password, you can
    |   change where the form is sent, making it instead a logging script
    |   set up on your server.
    Imagine an application in which customers would register a request to
    transfer money from one place to another.  The transfer request was
    stored in a database.  Before the transaction took place, it would be
    confirmed by a trusted employee using a web interface to the database.
    The employee would eg. check that the source account was in fact owned
    by the person doing the request.
    The problem was that it was possible to insert scripts in descriptive
    fields.  One could thus register the request with an invalid (someone
    else's) account, and include a script that would modify the web page to
    display a valid account.  The trusted employee would read the account
    number given by the script, while the database still contained the
    forged account.  1-0 to the bad guy.
    shhat_private			Computer Geek?  Try my Nerd Quiz

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