Re: I HATE antivirus scanners

From: Blue Boar (BlueBoarat_private)
Date: Sun Mar 24 2002 - 08:57:47 PST

  • Next message: heyhey_: "Re[2]: I HATE antivirus scanners"

    heyhey_ wrote:
    > Hello all,
    > I've received more than 200 auto-responses to my previous e-mail.
    > "pure IE code injection".
    > my message DID NOT CONTAIN virus. just a demo exploit code, that needs
    > a lot of testing on different systems.
    > next time, I'll have to use non-existing sender name or encode the
    > text as a PDF file.
    The usual method is a password-protected .zip file.  I had no clue
    all the AV scanners would go off in this case, since it wasn't a 
    virus, else I would have warned you.
    We've had worse.... I think I let through a message containing
    the source to "I Love You" at one point, and over 1000 gateway
    warnings went off.

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