Re: I HATE antivirus scanners

From: Blue Boar (BlueBoarat_private)
Date: Sun Mar 24 2002 - 10:00:22 PST

  • Next message: Elan Hasson: "Re: Buffer overflow in awk"

    heyhey_ wrote:
    > Hello Bourque,
    > That was my thought, but ... according to my experience most of the
    > antivirus checkers reject password protected .zip files, so I'll
    > probably receive the same amount of e-mails (or even more because even
    > scanners with out of date definitions will reject it too)
    Last time I did the experiment, about 5 mail gateways sent a bounce
    due to a .zip that couldn't be scanned.  (That's bounces to the list,
    mind you.  If someone else does the post, then I only get to see
    messages that complain to every CC.  So, the poster might see
    more, but the ratio ought to hold still.)

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