Re: New Binary Bruteforcing Method Discovered

From: Michal Zalewski (lcamtufat_private)
Date: Tue Mar 26 2002 - 11:23:10 PST

  • Next message: David Rhodus: "Re: New Binary Bruteforcing Method Discovered"

    On Tue, 26 Mar 2002 pr0ixat_private wrote:
    > I, the great pr0ix, have discovered a new technique for bruteforcing local
    > suid binaries on any *nix operating system, which uncovers all exploitable
    > bugs in the application.
    Pardon me?=) Finally solved this nasty halting problem?
    Michal Zalewski [lcamtufat_private] [security]
    [] <=-=> bash$ :(){ :|:&};:
    =-=> Did you know that clones never use mirrors? <=-=

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