Re: Behavior analysis vs. Integrity analysis [was: Binary Bruteforcing]

From: auto12012 auto12012 (auto12012at_private)
Date: Thu Mar 28 2002 - 00:12:41 PST

  • Next message: Michael Wojcik: "RE: New Binary Bruteforcing Method Discovered"

    >I think you do not really understand what I was trying to say - try
    >'Turing "halting problem"' in Nowadays, the analysis of all
    >possible execution paths for any given program (for example to find an
    >answer whether certain code will be executed or not, and in what order - a
    >critical issue for static, automated detection of dynamic vulnerabilities)
    >is excessively time consuming and completely not feasible in most cases.
    >There are certain specific cases when this is not true, and certain very
    >limited scopes we can accurately examine (some applications do - e.g.
    >compilers try to elliminate dead code, some source code audit applications
    >look for potentially vulnerable patterns and apply certain heuristic
    >algorithms to decrease the number of false positives, etc). But there's no
    >way to universally predict the behavior of a complex application.
    True. I would add that the final execution path, the most critical behavior 
    of all, and also the most difficult to evaluate in a dynamic system, is 
    whether the subject is to be hostile or not. That is much harder to 
    determine than whether a number is prime or not.
    However, what does that have to do with pinpointing vulnerabilities? 
    Vulnerabilities are not about how a process is to behave, but based on what 
    information - and its integrity - it is to behave. Predictable behavior, in 
    the context of security analysis, only gives you the ability to increase 
    granularity. It is not a requirement for any security analysis.
    I do not see, then, how vulnerabilities are linked to execution paths. An 
    application does not become vulnerable simply because it took execution path 
    A instead of path B. It was already vulnerable in first place because it 
    based its decision on untrustworthy information.
    >Basically, there are two main problems with formal analysis - identifying
    >the potential vulnerability (which requires a formal model of accepted or
    >unacceptable behavior),
    "first problem to getting something is knowing what you want"
    >and determining whether it can be an actual risk
    >(which can be reduced to the halting problem, pretty much).
    Risk must be determined by trust, not behavior. Then it's not a problem 
    >Example: there is a program that is checking whether some <<insert your
    >favorite big number here>>-digit number is actually a prime. If so, it
    >enables you to exploit a buffer overflow (let's just say "enter endless
    >loop"), if not, it simply dies with some error message ("stop"). It would
    >take the program 10 years to check this prime. It uses the best prime
    >checking algorithm we know at this point. Do you know a way to tell
    >whether the program will stop or not (will be vulnerable or not) without
    >actually wasting ten years (or comparable amount of time) on your computer
    >to check it?
    No. And not really interested in knowing. The integrity of my process comes 
    to rely entirely on that function whose output is unknown. You trust it? I 
    would not. In a security setting, that would be the exact thing I would 
    consider a vulnerability in my integrity model.
    >Do you know what would be the implication of having a "yes"
    >answer to this question?
    >And that's not all - our "endless loop" condition is pretty clear in this
    >particular case, but sometimes it is not that trivial. Think about
    >authentication bypassing, etc. There needs to be a model of an erratic
    >behavior for this particular program, and the model itself must be
    >designed without flaws, which is not trivial. But I am not gonna argue
    >here - it is certainly doable and being done - it is just expensive, time
    >consuming and prone to problems.
    Most likely been done already. In the 70's. At the time when information 
    security was a science.
    >Knowing the way to solve the halting problem for infinite Turing machines
    >in finite time would very likely enable us to perform this analysis for
    >finite machines in no time (and have dramatic implications not only for
    >computer security).
    >That is why I find the claim "finds all exploitable bugs" is at least
    >ridiculous -
    Notion of 'exploitable bug', as seen on this mailing list, is ridiculous 
    itself. I guess all concepts derived inherit from the property.
    >it implies that both problems were solved. It can find "some
    >potential bugs caused by certain command-line and environment variables
    >interaction", but not "all exploitable bugs in the application".
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