Re: Behavior analysis vs. Integrity analysis [was: Binary Bruteforcing]

From: auto12012 auto12012 (auto12012at_private)
Date: Thu Mar 28 2002 - 12:04:42 PST

  • Next message: Michal Zalewski: "Re: Behavior analysis vs. Integrity analysis [was: Binary Bruteforcing]"

    > >
    > > Most likely been done already. In the 70's. At the time when information
    > > security was a science.
    >No. That is not what I meant. To tell whether ftp daemon is working well
    >or not, you have to know what behavior is appropriate for ftp daemon, and
    >what is not. If FTP daemon can be fooled, without actually inserting
    >malicious code, to, say, change root's password, this is a vulnerability,
    >but it does not mean it exhibits some universal "vulnerability pattern" -
    >it just went off the track and jumped into another, perfectly valid for,
    >say, passwd utility. So what I am referring to are functional
    >specifications for this particular application, so all possible behavioral
    >tracks of the actual code can be compared to what we expect it to do. This
    >is expensive, lengthy and prone to design errors.
    >And again, I do not buy the argument that there's one fixed, static point
    >that does not depend on the execution path that can be considered a point
    >of vulnerability. No.
    That is too bad. If you fail to understand that ftp daemon, in your example, 
    is not vulnerable because it adopts a behavior that it is not excepted to 
    follow, but simply because it compromises the integrity of an object (root 
    password), with the lower integrity of the subject (non-root user), then I 
    am disapointed. If I do not believe vulnerability is related to execution 
    path, it is not because I believe it is not dependent of anything, but 
    simply because I believe it is dependent of something that is of much higher 
    abstraction: logic.
    >Michal Zalewski [lcamtufat_private] [security]
    >[] <=-=> bash$ :(){ :|:&};:
    >=-=> Did you know that clones never use mirrors? <=-=
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