Re: Behavior analysis vs. Integrity analysis [was: Binary Bruteforcing]

From: auto12012 auto12012 (auto12012at_private)
Date: Fri Mar 29 2002 - 08:18:50 PST

  • Next message: dullienat_private: "Re[2]: New Binary Bruteforcing Method Discovered"

    >When (manually) auditting code I'm thinking all the time about
    >all possible execution paths, what if A happends, then B combined with C...
    >Even automated programs exists which do this (
    >So I don't know why you say it has nothing to do with vulnerabilities...
    If you count on your fingers, does that mean numbers have something to do 
    with your anatomy? Auditing code by going through all the execution paths is 
    exactly the same. You're counting on your fingers.
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