Statement on "Re: New Binary Bruteforcing Method Discovered"

From: pr0ix (
Date: Fri Mar 29 2002 - 03:07:22 PST

  • Next message: Ron DuFresne: "Re: Truths and Lies"

    [Moderator: I would greatly appreciate if you could post this. Thank you!]
    I feel compelled to post just a short note about this thread. I'd like
    to state that I have not authored this thread and have nothing
    to do with "super-fuzz". Someone fraudulently and inapproriately
    is posting here as "pr0ix", trying to make fun of people while
    turning this list into a joke. I believe this is a serious
    list and spoofed and bogus posts shouldn't be allowed. Anyone
    who knows me knows I never used a hushmail account.
    Besides that, a more technical comment related to security:
    it's true that I'm closely affiliated with and
    in that position I view the recent activities of anti-security
    groups including a very popular one who released at least 8
    private serious remote exploits in the last 3 months, as a
    strategy aimed at decreasing security and sending bogus
    advisories, code and / or fake information to mailing lists
    such as bugtraq and this one (this strategy was discussed in
    el8 magazine issue 0x2)... with respect to the authors rights
    of private proprietary code I won't release any details here.
    However, there's an elf-infecting virus out, contained in
    many so-called self-encrypted binary exploits, which will
    notify a certain group and give them root access to machines
    where exploits are run as root. The personal skill level
    of a person doesn't matter, but in any case I am against
    such childish and in other cases possibly criminal strategies
    to try and subvert the security scene and the "underground".

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Fri Mar 29 2002 - 12:29:33 PST