DebPloit + ie + passive connecting to attacker?

From: -l0rt- (simonat_private)
Date: Fri Mar 29 2002 - 14:17:24 PST

  • Next message: jon schatz: "Re: Truths and Lies"

            I have been monitoring all of the talks about the recent
    "Silent delivery and installation of an executable on a target
    computer" for outlook and IE. I also noticed DebPloit which works as
      DebPloit allows Everyone to get handle to Any process or thread.
      Handles have enough access to promote everyone to system/admin (in
      the case Target is running under LocalSystem, Administrator account).
      Works on: Any MS Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 (SPs before Mar-12-2002).
                Former NTs weren't tested.
    and can be found at:
    Now... what if someone decided to do a little bit of mixing here...
    ie or outlook issue + DebPloit + connect_to_ip.exe
    So if this works, in theory, passive connection from a desktop on the LAN
    back to the attacker with a shell bound to it that has administrator
    rights?   mmmm
    That file you've been guarding, isn't.

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