RE: Windows 2000 and NT4 IIS .ASP Remote Buffer Overflow

From: damdum (damdumat_private)
Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 13:04:21 PDT

  • Next message: dullienat_private: "Re[2]: Windows 2000 and NT4 IIS .ASP Remote Buffer Overflow"

    Quoting MadHat <madhatat_private>:
    > Thanks, but I must have missed where the 100 continue return code was
    > the defining factor of vulnerability.
    When doing chunked posts, its my understanding you will always get a 100
    continue.  So, if this is fixed or fed in wronge, you would still get 100
    continue, but no crash.
    Initially I used netcat and cut/pasted the request in.  The behavior was when it
    didn't cause the exception as when it did. (See below comments on how to
    remotely tell if it crashed).
    > I can get this to return, but I have no way to verify vulnerability that
    > I can see.  The original description released by Marc said that a popup
    > appeared and that a message was entered in the Application Event log. 
    > Since I can not reproduce either of these symptoms, how do I verify
    > vulnerability.  If I send the same data as below to a patched host, it
    > still comes back with the 100 continue return code.
    If you do not get the pop-up and log entries, you have not caused the overflow.
     Once you have caused this error another request for issstart.asp will give a
    500 error.
    So, to test, run the perl script, then do GET /isstart.asp HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n. 
    Response should be "HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error".
    Note: This is using default IIS as with W2K Adv Serv, so iisstart.asp is using
    "medium" security, not sure if this changes with high.
    > Oh and on the locked up I mentioned before, I meant that HTTP session
    > locked, not IIS itself.  Not something I can count on, since it didn't
    > seem to happen every time and did not seem to produce any of the signs
    > noted in the advisory.
    Using this request you will never "return" from the 100 continue.  So you will
    need to reconnect for another request.
    I have only tested this on a fresh install of Windows 2000 Advanced Server w/o
    any patches.  It is easier to test using a w2k box & telnet, as you will send
    the proper \r\n and can just cut/past and hit return.

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