Re:Cross Site Scripting?

From: b0iler _ (b0ilerat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 30 2002 - 12:39:19 PDT

  • Next message: hellNbak: "Re: XP Screen Saver password uses Old password until logout or New one is used."

    There was a discussion about this awhile ago.  Most people seems confused 
    with XSS and how it is defined.  I don't see how writting to a file could be 
    concidered XSS in any way.
    quote from
    "Although very simular to XSS writting SSI, PHP, or any other kind of server 
    side language is not XSS, but rather a remote file writting vulnerability.  
    The difference is there and I don't feel we should [not] confuse the two.  I 
    am not sure if you would call client side scriptting that is saved to a file 
    on the server XSS, but I personally do not count it as such."
    Wouldn't it be strange if all defacements were really XSS.
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