Re: Preventing XSS in PHP...

From: alrferreiraat_private
Date: Fri May 03 2002 - 09:37:31 PDT

  • Next message: Sebastian: "Re: static char overflow"

    >Yep...some even say "too much" and argue that it isn't
    >a "real security hole", but if you've had your admin cookie
    >stolen on a forum then you would say otherwise.
    >yep PHP can handle input sanitizing very well...hopefully
    >all new webApp langs will have sanitizing functionality
    >built into their frameworks...(MS actually does in
    >I suggest you check out the webAppSec list, the OWASP
    >project, and for more info.
    >Take care,
    That is really interesting... Somebody would have more information on as to
    implement this in ASP?
    Without having that to filter all manually tags?
    André Luiz Rodrigues Ferreira

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