Actuate e.Reporting possible vulnerabilities

From: Information Security (InformationSecurityat_private)
Date: Wed May 08 2002 - 07:37:19 PDT

  • Next message: Laurence Brockman: "Re: Publishing Nimda Logs"

    I've run across two potential vulnerabilites with Actuate's e.Reporting
    software.  The application is used to publish reports from a variety of data
    sources and implements very granular security levels.  The first
    vulnerability seems to reveal Actuate's physical directory structure.  The
    second vulnerability may reveal source code.
    Unfortunately, I'm doing this as part of a penetration test and don't have
    direct access to the Actuate server.  I believe what I'm looking at is an
    Actuate e.Reporting server using the Actuate web agent 3.0, running on a
    Netscape Enterprise Server v4.1.  If anyone monitoring the list has access
    to an Actuate server & web agent and a bit of time to help, please drop me
    an e-mail.

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