[DER ADV#8] - Local off by one in CVSD

From: david evlis reign (davidreignat_private)
Date: Sat May 25 2002 - 01:08:55 PDT

  • Next message: david evlis reign: "addition: CVS off by one"

    Local off by one overflow in CVSD.
    the family of scanf functions (scanf, sscanf, fscanf) are generally insecure 
    in usage and steps have been taken to make them more...secure you might say 
    like adding bounds checking (sscanf(hey, "%.4096s %d", buffer, int)) but the 
    function still remains quite insecure, to a lesser known bug like an off by 
    char buf[10];
    int i;
    sscanf(hey, "%.10s", buf); <-- boundary checks ten bytes...
    char buf[10];
    int i;
    sscanf(hey, "%.9s" buf); <-- see!
    therefore in the first example (WRONG) the last byte into buf will exeed the 
    allocated space (10 bytes) by one byte. woops. 
    (http://www.hert.org/papers/klog-1.html <-- nice article)
    in cvs-1.11/src/rcs.c:
    info = findnode (vers->other_delta, "special");
    	if (info != NULL)
    	    /* If the size of `devtype' changes, fix the sscanf call also */
    	    char devtype[16]; <-- SIXTEEN BYTES
    	    if (sscanf (info->data, "%16s %lu", <-- WOOPS SHOULD BE 15
    			devtype, &devnum_long) < 2)
    		error (1, 0, "%s:%s has bad `special' newphrase %s",
    		       workfile, vers->version, info->data);
    	    devnum = devnum_long;
    	    if (STREQ (devtype, "character"))
    		special_file = S_IFCHR;
    	    else if (STREQ (devtype, "block"))
    		special_file = S_IFBLK;
    		error (0, 0, "%s is a special file of unsupported type `%s'",
    		       workfile, info->data);
    this is only a locally exploitable hole since the data is read from 
    info->data which in turn is from a symlinked local file (heh, you know where 
    to find it);
    we at der sys have created the following patch:
    #DER PATCH FOR CVS < 1.11#
    --- rcs_old.c	Mon Jan 25 02:05:16 2002
    +++ rcs.c	Mon Jan 25 02:05:40 2002
    --- 4238:       if (sscanf (info->data, "%16s %lu",
    +++ 4238:       if (sscanf (info->data, "%.15s %lu",
    		devtype, &devnum_long) < 2)
    		error (1, 0, "%s:%s has bad `special' newphrase %s",
    		workfile, vers->version, info->data);
    vendor notification: nope.
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