Re: sql injection and php

From: Sverre H. Huseby (shhat_private)
Date: Wed May 29 2002 - 11:14:35 PDT

  • Next message: Lincoln Yeoh: "Re: sql injection and php"

    [Jacek Lach]
    |   Does the magic_quotes in php's configuration resolves the problem
    |   of sql injection?
    [Florian Weimer]
    |   It depends.  If your database uses the same escaping strategy as
    |   PHP, it may be safe.
    If that is to be interpreted as "go ahead, just pass unchecked data to
    the database", I would like to state the following:
    I have seen several web applications the last couple of years (since I
    jumped from being a developer to being an application security
    consultant) that are terribly insecure because programmers have a
    relaxed view on input validation and meta character escaping.  Far too
    many developers think that "if I can't find a way to exploit my code,
    nobody else can".  That view is extremely dangerous.  There may always
    be an intruder that is more creative when it comes to malicious
    thinking than the developer is herself.
    The reason this view is dangerous, is that the average developer is
    not trained in destructive thinking.  He works by constructing things.
    Some developers have seen samples on illegal login using "' --" (quote
    dash dash), but they haven't thought about where the danger in such a
    construct lies.  Many developers want to solve the problem by getting
    rid of those dashes (SQL comments).  The smarter ones understand that
    the quote character is the problem.  And the ones with most insight
    understand that in general, this has to do with passing data between
    different interpretation contexts.  (I don't invent this scenario of
    ignorance, I've given courses and lectures on this topic for several
    hundred developers in various consulting companies in Norway the last
    couple of years.  The scenario is based on the feedback I get when I
    show them examples of SQL Injection.)
    My advice is: One should always be paranoid.  Newer trust the lower
    layers to handle the security for you.  Never underestimate the
    potential attacker.  Always validate the data, and always make sure
    the data has an appropriate format for the layer you pass them to.
    "The appropriate format" is what is often difficult.  PHP may escape
    quotes for you.  When passing data to an SQL server (any database
    server using SQL, not just the one Microsoft was rude enough to call
    SQL Server), the quotes only have a special meaning inside a string
    context.  You do not always pass data to an SQL server as a string.
    When the SQL server parses you statement and reads
       SELECT * FROM Foo WHERE Bar=1...
    and has just come to the elipsis (the dots), it is in a numeric
    context: It parses a number.  Escaping of quotes will not be enough,
    as any non-numeric character will make the SQL server leave the
    numeric context.  If the assumed number was coming from eg. a URL
    paramter, the attacker would be able to pass
      1; DELETE FROM Foo
    The result would be damaging, even if PHP automaticallu escapes
    quotes, as there are no quotes in this query.
    To solve these problems, programmers will have to think.  They will
    have to understand how the next layer (in this example, the SQL
    server) is going to parse the passed data.  And they will have to make
    sure the data passed does not contain anything that makes the next
    layer change context.
    The same principle goes for any passing of data to sub-systems.
    Before SQL databases were used as examples, Unix command exection from
    Perl CGI was used.  People didn't want anyone to insert "; rm -rf /"
    and have that executed by the shell.  Nowadays, data is passed to XML
    parsers, XPath parsers, and who knows what.  The same things apply:
    Data coming from the outside should not allow the next layer parser to
    switch context.
    Even Cross-site Scripting (XSS) is covered by this rule.  In XSS, the
    "next layer parser" is the HTML parser of the end user's browser.
    Oh well, this was far more than I initially intended to write.  Sorry.
    I'm celebrating my own birthday with, well, some beverages not
    intended for minors.  I hope at least some will be able to understand
    anyway. :)
    shhat_private			Computer Geek?  Try my Nerd Quiz

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