
From: elguapo (dotslashat_private)
Date: Sat Jun 01 2002 - 08:35:48 PDT

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    Hey guys since there has been lots of wlan talk lately I thought you 
    guys might like to know about a new "toy" for OSX. I have had a "dual 
    USB late 2001" iBook with linux and kismet etc running for a while but I 
    am sure some people are opposed to linux being on their mac hardware. =] had a link to "macStumbler" which so far is 
    the best tool I have seen for OSX. This program has the ability to save 
    outout in the following format:
    bssid			       ch 	type                      wep
      00:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX       2       Managed Apple   No
    the author did a nice job... check it out.

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