Re: Trillian Messaging Software

From: Martin Lesser (
Date: Wed Jun 05 2002 - 12:36:37 PDT

  • Next message: Don Weber: "RE: Trillian Messaging Software"

    rogue <rogueat_private> writes:
    > A bunch of users on my Win2k network are asking to install trillian
    > messaging software on their workstations because it allows messaging
    > across several systems (AIM, yahoo messenger, ICQ, etc) and i was
    > wondering if anyone has been here has been using it
    Yes. But in general you should keep in mind wether you want to establish
    several connections from several workstations to several proprietary
    services or instead try to bundle these requests via one system
    (i.e. jabber, which in this case could act like a proxy) so you could
    keep control on unwanted actions.
    > and if there are any security issues which have surfaced before
    > allowing this software on my network.
    Take a look at the informations which are transmitted from/to each
    client and which security issues comes in mind with every client. There
    is a bunch of tools to detect security holes for each client and
    replacing one client with an other might not be the answer.

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